Monday, August 13, 2007

Naked Lady Monday Redux

You commented. I read. And here you go. The return of Naked Lady Monday. But, and there is always a but, I probably won’t make it a weekly event. Why? Simple. If I researched (tasteful) shots of beautiful naked women all the time, I’d probably never write another word. It would just be me. And the pictures. And the drooling. But if you like NLM and want it to continue as an occasional feature, please let me know in the comments and I will soldier on. The things I do for blog.

EDIT: Damn, two typos in one post. I told you naked ladies were bad for my writing!
EDIT 2: The woman gazing at Charlize is her “Monster” director Patty Jenkins. The beautiful shot is by the late Richard Avedon.
EDIT 3: So, NLM stays. As does the name, Google be damned. Actually, when I searched “naked lady” (research is a bitch, I tell ya) I got mostly a refreshingly porn-free selection of links. Apparently, it’s just old fashioned enough to keep the hard-core horn dogs at bay. At least for now.

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