Sunday, June 12, 2011

MF Hussain dies; Periodic Table expands; Weasel wielded as weapon


Scientists: Two new elements being added to periodic table
Two new elements are joining the periodic table since their discovery by US and Russian scientists, said a top US chemistry expert on Friday. The two new elements have not been named, but are known as 114 and 116, and were discovered via atom-smasher ... read more

MF Hussain dies; Periodic Table expands; Weasel wielded as weapon
Two more elements have been added to the periodic table. Elements 114 and 116 — no names yet — are short-lived elements created in labs by smashing atoms together. Along with the table redesign, someone will need to rewrite this awesome song: By ... read more

The New Periodic Table of SEO
We're kicking this off with a session on the new periodic table of SEO. If you haven't seen it, well, click that link over there and you will. Up on stage we have Danny Sullivan moderating Matthew Brown, Duane Forrester (Q+A only), Jeff MacGurn, ... read more


Dynamic Periodic Table
[Periodic Table of the
The Comic Book Periodic Table
Periodic Table
Printable Periodic Table
Periodic Table
Elements Periodic Table
Periodic table of
Periodic Table of Elements
Periodic Table Game

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