Thursday, July 14, 2011

Spotify: A Hands-On Look at the Desktop App


The Big Spotify Surprise: Free Music On Demand For SIX MONTHS
Spotify has been cagey about how much free music US listeners can get -- the news wasn't in its press release this morning, and they were slow responding to questions. Another report suggested the free tier would max out at 20 hours per month. ... read more

5 Secret Spotify Features to Make You a Power User
Welcome to the Spotify party, USA. Sorry, the keg's pretty much empty — you guys brought booze, right? As we're polite and considerate hosts, we're ready to share our deepest darkest secrets about Spotify with you. ... read more

Spotify: A Hands-On Look at the Desktop App
Spotify has finally hit the US — after years of waiting — and as invites roll out and more folks pony up the cash for Premiere and Unlimited, the service is spreading. Check out the streaming music product that's had the web buzzing in our ... read more


Spotifys agreeably minimal UI
Spotify | CrunchBase Profile
Spotify reaches one million
Spotify had 325000 premium
using Spotifys unique
Spotify could kill iTunes
Make that: as soon as Spotify
Why Google has to Buy Spotify
Spotify Blames Apple For

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